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  • dokken121212

Flight 6, Stanfield International (CYHZ) to Niagara Falls International (KIAG)

Flight Distance: 711 Nautical Miles

Flight Time: 3 hours 5 minutes

Cumulative Distance: 4335 Nautical Miles

Cumulative Flight Time: 17 hours 16 minutes

This is the sixth leg of the world tour and was flown on 27th February 2021. Had some variable weather as can be seen on the radar picture below ranging from sunny to sleet/snow. The weather changed quite dramatically on the way to Rainbow Bridge and the Horseshoe Falls at Niagara Falls however I managed to pop down low enough to get a few shots through the mirk. There was quite a bit of turbulence initially and a tailwind of 31 knots throughout the flight - so it was bumpy in places. Flight took in some nice areas from flying over Lake Ontario to having Rochester on my left wing as I made land again at the tail end of the lake. Landing was very difficult as visibility was really poor. The ILS system did not seem to work correctly and although the aircraft found the glideslope it was coming in to the left of the runway so I flew it in without nav systems activated for the last 3 or 4 miles.

Tried the new Flight Control Replay software and recorded the entire flight. However, this did not seem to work well as there is no real means of fast forwarding such a large file. Therefore, the best options are to see if i can make multiple shorter recordings on one flight or just record the single points of interest. I will continue to experiment with it.

Next flight will be back into Canada, not so sure where yet, but I plan to fly East to West then work my way down to the USA from the western seaboard of Canada and i'll likely do two runs across the breadth of the USA to capture as much as I can :-)

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