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  • dokken121212

Flight 5, St John's International (CYYT), Canada to Stanfield International (CYHZ), Canada

Updated: Feb 25, 2021

Flight Distance: 588 Nautical Miles

Flight Time: 2 hours 48 minutes

Cumulative Distance: 3,624 Nautical Miles

Cumulative Flight Time: 14 hours 11 minutes

This is the fifth leg of the world tour and was flown on 24th February 2021. This flight included a detour to the Confederation Bridge that links Prince Edward Island with mainland Nova Scotia. This truly was an impressive sight - the length of the bridge is enormous. A Wiki search told me it is 13KM long!! Truly was remarkable. Also passed some great towns such as Sydney (no, not the one in Australia !! :-)) and Charlottetown. Additionally, some very nice villages and farmland on the way. Had a major storm with full thunder and lightning but managed to detour around it thankfully - the radar image picture below in the gallery shows lots of red - and we know red ain't good!!! Overall, a really nice flight with very changeable weather which created a challenge.

I have invested in a piece of software called Flight Control Replay that has just been released and this will allow me at the end of a flight to go back through the entire flight and capture better images. It isn't always easy trying to take the most arty, thought provoking screenshots when you are in the midst of landing or managing complex flight navigation systems. My overall reasoning here is this will provide an opportunity to take better, more controlled shots.

Haven't decided on the next leg yet - this will likely be flown at the weekend - but I will plan for some points of interest if there are any of note.


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